I read today what I think is my favorite article out of all the articles that I have blogged about so far. It was called Inventing the Cosmo Girl: Class Identity and Girl Style American Dreams by Laurie Ouellett. This article took a look at woman who reformated and revolutionized Cosmopolitan. First, Helen Gurley Brown started with a book called, Sex and the single Girl, and with the success of the book, she became an overnight celebrity. In her book , she goes in to great detail about controversial issues at that time such as premarital sex and dating tips. It also brought into light birth control, working and being independent from men (118). Now this helped her go the extra mile and produce more books about the topic until she bought Cosmopolitan and became editor-in-chief. The magazine then started to take on the topics that were brought up in Brown’s books.
After reading this article, I read another article, Sex, Lies, and Advertising by Gloria Stienem. I will be honest that I was not to happy about reading this article because being a college student, I have a test today in my advertising class and this article was a constant reminder :).
The article is about Ms.( which I am presuming is a magazine) and the ads it would decide on but by offering ads that might apply to both men and women. One of the examples that they mention is car advertisements. I decided to go the extra step and look at two different advertisements for alcoholic beverages. I should warn you that some of these are pretty graphic but I deem important to use as examples.

Source: Inventing the Cosmo Girl: Class Identity and Girl Style American Dreams by Laurie Ouellett
Sex, Lies, and Advertising by Gloria Stienem
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